OSHA - Bloodborne Pathogens: Protecting Employees
Today more than ever, contraction of deadly bloodborne pathogens is a real risk. Coming into contact with other people’s blood and bodily fluids can put your employees at risk of HIV, syphilis, and hepatitis, among many other dangerous bloodborne pathogens.
Managers have a duty to ensure their workforce is aware of the risk of bloodborne pathogens and knowledgeable about how to protect themselves and others from transmission. That’s why OSHA – Bloodborne Pathogens: Protecting Employees from Transmission* is designed to help your managers ensure employees are prepared and safe.
An informed and prepared management team is both a requirement and a responsibility. Ensure that your workplace is as prepared as possible to avoid bloodborne pathogens exposure with LearnSomething’s online, just-in-time training.
*Employee version is available.
System Requirements
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