Pharmacy / Healthcare Courses

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Cultural Competencies for Healthcare

This course explores cultural competency and how interacting effectively with people from different cultures can bring benefit within healthcare.

DEA Controlled Substance Prescriptions: Legitimate or Fraudulent? (2022 Update - CE Available)

The goal of DEA Controlled Substance Prescriptions: Legitimate or Fraudulent? is to teach regulations governing who is entitled to issue and fill controlled substance prescriptions and under what conditions.

Flu Vaccination for Healthcare Employees

During this course, we will discuss the effectiveness, impact, and outcomes of these vaccinations for healthcare employees.

Hazardous Waste Handling and Cleanup for First Responders

This course covers the identifying of universal and hazardous waste and the amount of waste a first responder can safely handle for minor spills and general disposal

Human Trafficking and the Role of Healthcare Professionals

Human trafficking in the United States has become a wide spread epidemic.

Motivational Interviewing Foundations for Pharmacists (Non-ACPE)

Motivational Interviewing Foundations for Pharmacists educates pharmacists on the most effective approach for helping patients discover their own motivations for medication adherence and positive behavior change.

The Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act

The purpose of this legislation was to ensure patient access to emergency medical treatment and to prevent the practice of transferring uninsured patients solely for financial reasons.

Victims of Domestic Violence

Learn the basics of asking probing questions to help victims report abuse and engaging law officers when appropriate to transitional protective shelters.